So...two weeks ago Jess' mom and dad (Rees and Kathryn) and his next oldest brother Jake and his wife Jacie came to visit! Over the course of 6 days we traveled pretty much everywhere from DC, Baltimore, Philly, and even Gettysburg! We walked an average of 12 miles a day, so at least we got some good excercise! We tried to see as much as we possibly could, but still did not get to see everything, but still had a BLAST! To see all of our pictures look at our picture website, but here are some highlights!

Geno's Steaks in South famous, Pat's is right across the street, but Geno's is better HANDS DOWN! If you're ever in philly you gotta try it! But make sureeee you get it with cheese wiz..BELIEVE me it's the best

Jess, Jake, and Rees got to go to a Ravens vs. Jets game! The ladies wanted to go too..but the tickets were horribly expensive, so we had a girls day :)

So we of course went too see the DC temple! It was such a beautiful day when we went! And when we went to check out the visitor's center, a sister serving there was actually a girl who lived on my floor freshman year in the dorm's at utah state!! Small world!!

We of course had to check out the Liberty Bell in Philly! It was so fun to see my hometown again :) Did you know that you used to be able to touch the liberty bell? But you can't anymore..they're afraid the oils on people's hands will further damage the bell over time...BUT I touched it!! when i was in elementary school we went on a trip there..pretty cool huh? not many people can say that!

The walk from the Capitol to the lincoln memorial is sooooooooooo long!! but it was such good excercise and it was a really over cast and mild day when we decided to do it, so it was perfect!! This pic is right next to the wash memorial, about half way there!

We of course had to tour the inner-harbor in Baltimore! We decided to check out this cool hat store at the mall right by the water, and tried on these silly hats! I am just realizing how funny it is that all of our hats totally match our outfits! hhaha..i swear that was unintentional!
If you wanna check out the rest of our pictures go to our pic website :)