Idaho Fourth of July Trip
Sorry this is a little late..I have been slacking on my blogging! But we went to Idaho for a family reunion over the fourth of July for Jess' family! It was so fun to see everyone even if it was just for a few days! There are so many pics so I won't type too much! Enjoy :)
Calvin never had a shirt on..or shoes! I loved it :)
We went to the Rexburg parade! Calvin totally got into running and grabbing the candy they threw out! Boy he was on a sugar high that day! He would eat the candy with the wrappers still on!
Although he is's because he was getting off! Calvin LOVED the 4 wheeler! Could not get enough!
Oh the love Calvin had for Manheim!
Soooo cute!
We had front row seats to the Idaho Falls fireworks! Calvin cried the ENTIRE show though! He was so scared poor guy
All 17 grandchildren with Grandma and Grandpa Butikofer! Most of the babies are crying (like mine) haha but I love it!
5 handsome amazing boys they raised!
Our happy family of 3 soon to be 4!
We freaked bc we could not find Calvin for a while! We searched for a few mins and I was about to panic but found him happily feeding Bo Jo some hay! He loves animals!
We 4 wheeled up to some awesome hot pots! Calvin just loved it!
Little did we know it was apparently a snake mating ground! there were SO MANY SNAKES!
at the family reunion one year ago there were 4 babies of the this year there is a new addition with little Rachel who was just one month old!
Before we flew out of SLC we had lunch with my lovely sister Aly (no pics though :( ) and Abbie and nico! I wish I could have seen everyone..and frankly did not want to leave Utah once we were back..but we will be back soon enough!!
Abbie is 9 months prego and I am barely 4 in this pic!
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