Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nico's Birthday @ Tucano's

In celebration of Nico's 26th birthday, we headed to Tucano's (yum!) We ate lots of food and had a great time! Normally when Jess and I go to places like this I eat wayyyyy too much, so Jess only got the meat and I only got the salad bar, and we shared..cheaper and both of us got to eat what we wanted! 

                                               Had to get a picture of Abs and I :)

                               This picture just makes me laugh. Note the unusually high amount of drinks we have..my aren't we a thirsty family??
                                            Calvin before we started to feast.
             aaaaaand behold my child afterwards. He thought his food would make great hair gel.
They came out and sang Nico a special song in Portuguese, and Sarah helped shakin that tambourine! Shake it girl!!

                      Look at these two adorably cute pregos! I am so sad I will miss both of them being born this summer :(

1 holla backs:

Abbie April 10, 2010 at 1:42 AM  

dont be sad! I forgive you. But you will be here for Weston's birth next month! One outta two aint bad!! Plus you'll see her soon after she is born! xoxox

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