Monday, October 1, 2007


So, this week I have been working hard to try and finish this horrible online math class that has taken me months and months and months! But anyways, because it takes up so much of my time, I have to do this schedule where I work on math for 2 hours, while Higgins is in his cage, and then I'll take a two hour break and play with him. Today, however, he has made it absolutely impossible to concentrate! Poor little buddy has just been barking non stop so of course I feel terrible so have had to play with him. I am NEVER going to get stuff done! Ahh!!

So I thought I'd just put up some pics of Higgins, whom we ususally just call Shmeegle, like the little troll guy in Lord of the Rings, (no idea where it came from it just stuck one day! ) But he is now 15 pounds, and just turned 9 months! He is such a fun puppy! All he wants to do 24/7 is PLAY!! He has so much energy which would be a lot nicer if we weren't stuck in a 1 bedroom apt!

He has learned to sit, lay down, stay (sometimes), and was completely potty trained to go outside @ 4 months! Despite being an incredibly energetic dog he is also incredibly loving and is always there with endless kisses! I can't wait until we have some kids for him to play with :) But for now our nieces and nephews in utah and idaho can't wait to meet him!

1 holla backs:

Stephanie October 5, 2007 at 12:09 AM  

i can't believe how big he got! I really thought he would only get to 5 or 6lbs.

Spartacus is already 4lbs! crazy
can't wait for them to meet and play with eachother!

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