Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stay Classy Kansas City...

 Calvin and I ventured to Walmart yesterday to get a few groceries and items that I realized we needed. It was dangerously close to lunchtime and naptime, but I figured we would be and out. So we were heading back to the truck and the sun was blazing! It was about 104 degrees yesterday yikes! I was tired and had a headache, and Calvin was nearing meltdown mode because of hunger and tiredness. I was really in no mood for anything.
 The spot next to the truck was empty, as were many around the truck. I decided to pull the cart up to the side of the truck to be able to unload my bags out easier. As I was doing so, a PT cruiser stops like they want the spot next to mine. I had already started and didn't want to stop my momentum, I figured that it would be better just to hurry and finish so they could pull in. So I unload all my bags as fast as I can, all the while sweating profusely.
 At this point, the PT cruiser driver is getting annoyed and pulls their car in the spot RIGHT behind me. So, they are still halfway in the parking lot, and halfway into the spot. I roll my eyes, and lift Calvin in to the truck, but need the truck door wide open to do so. Sorry PT cruiser, gotta wait another minute here. Of course under that kind of pressure I am fumbling with Calvin's straps and it takes me way longer than it normally does to buckle him in.
  I hop down and shut the door, and try to pull my cart out, but cannot because the PT cruiser is so close to me! So, he angrily backs out of the spot, and narrowly missing me he pulls back in as fast as he can once I am gone. His wife in the passenger seat rolls down her window and screams at the top of her lungs
"Learn some F*$@ing manners!" among other pleasant things that a lady shouldn't say. All I can think to say is "Same goes to you!" and smiled. Then as I put my cart away and am walking back to my truck drenched in sweat and really done with this..her whole family gets out and proceeds to all give me the stink eye. Even their children! And they kept turning around and saying things to me as they walked into Walmart. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at how ridiculous the whole thing was! And I could not believe they acted that way in front of their children...classy really classy.

  So, I decided that when people are unnecessarily rude or angry towards me I will not give into my natural reaction and flip them off and return the favor with rude comments, but will simply smile and say something nice, or just wave. Kill 'em with kindness!

2 holla backs:

Walker Family June 24, 2010 at 1:37 AM  

People like that are so irritating. They have kids! They should know what it's like battling a toddler by yourself..and when it's hot out, everything seems harder, takes longer, and is 10X's more frustrating. Good for you...killin them with kindness :)

sam and kyrsten June 28, 2010 at 2:48 AM  

hahah! classy. i have the hardest time being nice when stupid stuff like that happens. so dumb. glad you can be the bigger person! :)

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