Grandmpa and Grandpa Maughan come for a visit Pt. 1
We were thrilled when my parents flew in last Friday! Calvin unfortunately was a little wary of them at first, but that only lasted a few moments and then he was in love! We had such a blast while they were here so I will just hit the big stuff we did. Saturday my parents and I took Calvin to the Inner Harbor where we walked around the water, shopped, and ate lunch. That night we all went to the Orioles/Braves game! Ck did so well at it despite allllll the noise! And he made tons of friends!
Sunday was Jess' only day off to spend with us so we decided to go to the National Zoo! I didn't think CK would be into it but he LOVED it!!!! We got to see lots of cool animals! the 2 giant pandas are the only 2 in the US! They were so cute
this baby gorilla was sooo darling! she was only a few months old like Calvin!
Like his Daddy, ck LOVES the tortugas! (turtles). Well this is technically a tortoise, but you get it!
Hooray for the zoo!!!
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