Thursday, August 20, 2009

9 Months

yessir, my little bubby is 9 months! I could have had another baby by now, that is WEIRD to think. Cal brings so much sunshine and joy into my life! He is constantly making me laugh, and I am amazed watching him grow and develop.
He can now stand on his own! And he wants to walk so terribly bad, and although has made one or two teenie tiny steps, he still falls- but I know that very very soon he'll be walking, no RUNNING!
He has also learned to kiss! They are open mouthed and quite wet kisses, but sooo sweet! Then he'll smack you in the face right after and laugh! Such a boy...

So here are his official stats from the Doc yesterday:

Weight: 22 lbs 14 oz 90%

Height: 29 1/2 " 90%

He's such a big boy! I love it :) I took this picture of Cal's feet when we were in Alaska. He happened to doze off while in his carseat, so I covered it and placed him up on a table, and there he slept quite peacefully and long while the house was soo noisy! Don't you just love baby feet?? Calvin inherited my toes, my second two toes are sort of joined together and Jess says I have webbed feet haha, and alas Cal has the exact same thing! Pretty soon those cute little piggies are gonna be walking!!

2 holla backs:

Unknown August 20, 2009 at 2:34 PM  

Wow, he's growing up so fast! And he's so cute!

Are you guys going to stop by in Philly before you head back to Utah? We're trying to get down to DC soon, but we're moving in the beginning of October and I have to take a week off of work for that, so it doesn't look like I'll have much time to get down to DC! I really hope to get to see you guys before you leave! :(

Walker Family August 22, 2009 at 12:16 AM  

Aw Heather, I loved your post. Our boys are pretty I love to see how he progresses. Nathan loves big wet kisses to but has not started to pucker his lips. He's walking now too..its crazy. His 1 year appt is Monday! I can't believe it. Doesn't it feel like you were just pregnant? I feel that way. Congrats to your little doll! :)

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