Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Excited for the Holidays!

Well...I'm now 5 days late with no sign of being close to labor! I'm trying not to go insane but it's sort of hard not to! I'm sure all you mothers out there can relate, but I sort of got my hopes up about my due date and now that it came and went I am feeling more and more anxious!
Anyways, I am SO excited for the holidays! Thanksgiving is next week and I cannot wait! We are going to have one crowded house this year at my parents but it will be so fun! It will be my parents, Aly, possibly her roommate Shawna, my brother and his family, Jess me and our new addition (yay!!), and a family who our family is best friends with from Philly who's flying out! So, the grand total of people is 18 people!
I always look forward to the holidays and I am getting super excited for them now! I cannot wait for next week and even more cannot wait for Christmas!! yay!!

3 holla backs:

Brynne November 19, 2008 at 1:15 AM  

That is so nuts!!! I can't imagine being that overdue. It probably feels like it will never come. I have been checking your blog faithfully every day for about a week and it's driving ME nuts and I'm not the one carrying the nino (well, yours. :). Anyway, good luck girl. Before you know it, something (water breaking, constant contractions whatever) will randomly just hit! Do they have plans to induce you if you don't go by a certain time? Good LUCK!!!!

Anonymous,  November 19, 2008 at 10:50 AM  

Being overdue must be very difficult! I wish you the best of luck! I wish my doc would have not pushed my c-section so forcefully :( - I mean, yes I would have been overdue.. but I wouldn't have minded that over the recovery from the surgery.
Try your pressure points! It threw me into labor TWICE!

Melis November 19, 2008 at 4:05 PM  

Oh my goodness! I keep coming back thinking I will see pics of the sweet lil' man! I guess he's mighty comfortable in that cute belly of yours.

I took castor oil with Reed & it worked for me & for my mom with my brother. I know there are horror stories about it so I stuck with the kids kind (rootbeer flavor).

Thinking of you!

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