Friday, November 14, 2008

Nope..No baby

Well I thought I would write a little update here on what's going on. My due date came and I waved as it passed me by yesterday. Not gonna lie I'm a little depressed! Wednesday at my doctor's appointment they told me I'm still at a 1 for the second week in a row, but am now at least 70% effaced which is good! But since they changed my due date an entire month later at my 20 week appointment..I've already felt like I have been pregnant FOREVER!!
So, I spent the better half of the day today at the hospital. Would have been great if it was actually because I was having the baby,but they needed to do the No Stress Test to make sure the little guy isn't too stressed out in there, and I also had an ultrasound. But labor and delivery was a zoo today! So many babies being born, why can't mine come out??? As I laid on the hospital bed listening to the steady thumping of m son's heartbeat, a woman came in to check in at the desk, and popped out her baby 7 minutes later!! Crazy! I couldn't help but smile as I listened to the cries of the little life coming in the world in the room right next to me and it made me excited for when it's my turn!!!

4 holla backs:

Walker Family November 14, 2008 at 8:09 PM  

There is nothing more precious than the first cry from your baby. Honestly, it will MELT YOUR HEART!! Reading your blogs makes me miss being pregnant sometimes. I know you probably think you'll never miss being prego, but it happens...I wish you and Jess all the best! Jill is right in line behind you with I can read and reminisce all about being pregnant! If you can, write in a journal asap so you don't forget every last detail and so you can look back on it. GOOD LUCK!

Cortney November 15, 2008 at 1:39 AM  

Oh, I totally understand the way you are feeling right now. There are some wonderful things about being pregnant, but when it's time to be over--it's TIME to be OVER! I hope your delivery, when it does come, is a good experience. Just listen to your body. We'll be thinking and praying for you!

Melis November 15, 2008 at 10:19 AM  

Hang in there!

We're thinking of you!

Brynne November 16, 2008 at 1:49 AM  

Hopefully you had it today! If not, TOMORROW! Good luck, girl.

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