Monday, January 28, 2008


So I am beyound ecstatic because this past week we MOVED INTO OUR HOUSE!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!! We are still unloading boxes and figuring out where everything is, and we've been sleeping on the floor the past three nights because our stuff that's being shipped from Texas is not here yet, but we could NOT be happier! It was such a long gruesome process and I'm so grateful it's finally over! I will post some pics of the house once it's cleaned up and what not! :D

So anyways, this past week weekend was the annual celebrity spotting extravaganza that is Sundance. My friends and I always used to love to go up there and try to see famous people, and I was so happy that I got to go again this year! My sister Aly and my best friend Jamie got to come up with me twice and boy did we have fun!! The first time we went up was during the daytime, we didn't really see anyone which we were sorta bummed about, but it was still fun! We ran into this guy, Ben Lyons, who works for E! network. He was standing there in front of the camera ready to do a news bit, and we were just standing there talking to him. He was so nice! He was going to let us be in the shot, but it was taking way too long, so we moved on eventually. Oh well! We also saw Miss America who is gorgeous! But we didn't want to bother her taking a picture. We were going to leave because once the sun goes down it's SOOOO COLD! But as we were leaving we stumbled across this really fancy vip party in a huge tent. I was warming myself by the heat lamps outside trying to peek in, and the bouncer was like "You three look like trouble." I smiled and said "Us? Nah.." and he was like "You all 21?" and when we told him yes, he LET US IN! hahahaha..I could not stop laughing because I couldn't believe we just got into this really high class party. It was apparently for some brand of alchohol called Stella Artois and if I did drink..that would have been the place for me. But the three of us just had fun alchohol free and started a dance party! The CEO and marketing director of Stella Artois were these really cute old southern guys who came up to us and asked us if we would be their spokesgirls! hahahaha..we were like uhh we don't drink! It was flattering, but we had to turn them down.
There was a band there called Dirty Sweet, which I've never heard of, but they were hanging out in the vip section. Once they and their entourage left the three of us had a photo shoot there! My sister ran into this guy there and she flirted shamelessly with him because we knew he had hook-ups! (hahaha i know! isn't it fun being a girl?) And low and behold..he got us tickets to the closing part of Sundance! we couldn't believe it! So Saturday night the three of us headed back up to Park City for the party!
We felt so famous going down the red..or I guess Black carpet! So we had to take a few photos! And we even had some pics taken of us by photographers! haha Once inside the party there was so much amazing amazing catered food, and it was all FREE! And there was a huge dance floor, but the DJ didn't know what he was doing so we mostly socialized than danced. There were top producers, actors, and directors at this party! The most famous that we got to meet in person was Quentin Tarantino. I about peed my pants when I spotted him! He was soo nice and talked to us for a while, but woudlnt' take any pictures which was sort of lame, so we kind of improvised!
That's him behind us if you couldn't tell! haha We also met the mountain man of park city! He sort of reminded me of Sasquatch! but he was in head to toe fur! it was kind of sad :(
But the whole night and experience was a total blast! We met another band called Meridianwest whom the lead singer totally had a crush on my sister and invited her on their tour! We also met one of the biggest producers in hollywood, a man by the name of JR..who is the gayest man i've ever met in head-to-toe leather..but was sooo fun! He loved the three of us to death, so I'm hoping now that we made some friends in high places we'll have some sweet hook-ups next year!!

3 holla backs:

Cardon Family January 30, 2008 at 4:51 PM  

I am so excited that you are finally in your house!! Now you can start decorating!! Hey...did you ever get that job that you mentioned? It looks like you guys had a blast up in Sundance...those are some funny stories...I bet you were laughing like the whole time you were there!!

Stephanie January 30, 2008 at 5:48 PM  

Cha-ching! Sweet. you guys totally got the hook up. how awesome

Rachel January 30, 2008 at 10:40 PM  

wow! Supastars! That would have been so much fun, I can just see you being crazy right now!

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