Thursday, April 24, 2008


Ok I've finally decided to do it!! I have wanted to cut my hair for FOREVER! I was actually planning on growing it out long enough to do Locks of Love, but I just cannot wait anymore! I am so incredibly sick of my hair, especially after being pregnant I just never ever feel like doing it I always pull it back or pull my bangs back, and I just feel like it's time to CHOP IT! Jess is really nervous, he loves long hair like every other man I know, but I feel like it's some pregnant woman rite of passage to chop your hair off! least that's what it seems all my friends who have had babies have chopped theirs! So tomorrow is the big day! My friend Cambria who goes to the Paul Mitchell school for hair in Provo is going to chop my hair off and I know she's going to have fun doing it because it's ALOT of hair to chop!
Here is my inspiration for the cut:
If any of you have ever watched Rock of Love which happens to be like my favorite show despite being soooo incredibly stupid! It's strangely addicting I'm not even kidding, and I think Bret Michaels is disgusting and Jess thinks I'm crazy for ever watching it but I don't care! Anyways, from the first season this girl named Jes is the girl that won. Throughout the season I would always say how much I LOVE her hair. I would love to go pink too haha but I'm not quite that daring! But she is my muse if you will, and tomorrow hopefully my hair will look like hers!

It's going to be realllllllllllllly short but I'm sooo excited for a change!!

1 holla backs:

Gatten Gang April 27, 2008 at 12:21 AM  

How did it turn out???!!! How fun!! I LOVE jes' hair, too! She is so cute. I have been trying to grow my hair out from the after-kid chop and I just got a haircut yesterday and I'm so MAD she made it look horrible and I hate it! So, I might go short again. haha. I bet it will look so cute!

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